
Friday, April 23, 2010

If by any chance you happen to be in Singapore...

This is a flyer I did for my friend Nhazean for a concert where her band will be playing. She did some tweaking in the typography but the drawing and coloring is all mine. So if by any chance one of you, my dear readers, happens to be a student in Singapore, and just finished his/her exams, go blow off some steam on the 7th of May to the sound of Indus Gendi, Etc, Gloria and The Mo Chi Him (such an awesome band name).

Y para mis queridos lectores hispanos: aún estoy trabajando en mi nuevo blog pero ya está en el aire.

1 comment:

  1. Felicidades por el nuevo blog. Ya te "flaggearon"? Singapur está un poco lejos de PR, pa' la próxima. SALUD!!!
